Thanks to those that have helped at the work party on Friday, yesterday and still going today. We've achieved a lot, with a lot of overhanging tree's cut back, tree stumps removed, reeds cut back all in order to make the water much more fishable and fish-safe during the higher water levels during the winter. We appreciate such closures are inconvenient but we have to take advantage of labour and equipment when it is available. Hopefully these results make it worth while for members.
Home Farm Closure 7-8th September 2024
Home Farm will be closed on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of September. This is to allow us to complete significant work on the trees to make them more fish friendly at high water levels, reduce the reeds from encroaching on the swims, minor track improvements and work on the club storage area.
Whilst we appreciate it is inconvenient for the membership closing for a weekend these works are essential and we have to take advantage of the labour available to us, with must of us working full-time.
Road Works at Wix (1/06/2024)
A warning for anyone planning on fishing at Wix in the next few days.
The current road works have made it extremely hard for a car to get access to Wix 2 from either direction, and impossible for anything larger than a car.
Also, the idea of using the Wix 1 entrance to drive round to Wix 2, will result in your vehicle getting stuck.
Hopefully the road works will be sorted by next weekend.
2024 / 2025 Season Membership renewal
The new season stickers and rule books are now stocked in Clacton Angling, Elmstead Angling Centre and Colchester Bait and Tackle, Please pay using cash and not by card.
Night permits are available for those that had one last year, if you didn’t and you wish to have one, please contact the Secretary to be added to the waiting list for one.
All current members have to rejoin before the 1st June or they will be removed from our records, and to join again, will be added to the waiting list to wait their turn for an available space.
08/08/2023 - One More Cast - 'Magic Twig' - Temporarily Prohibited
Until further notice, the use of the recently released product by OMC, the ‘Magic Twig’ is prohibited. Whilst we are keen not to jump on the bandwagon of an indefinite ban, we need to investigate the fish safety implications both ourselves, with other fisheries and with OMC, before we will allow the use of this product.
18/04/2023 - Microchip System Update
We are now using an external solution to manage our microchip data. There is no cost for this, it is a prototype solution we are testing.
Navigate as usual to 'Microchip Records' on our website and you'll be presented with two forms;
The top one is used to submit a microchip scan. To submit:
Enter the password > Select the venue > Select the microchip number > Enter weight/date/notes etc. > Click 'Submit'.
The lower form is used to review past data. To review:
Enter the password > Select the venue > All fish in that venue are then listed > Then select an individual fish to see it's history.
Passwords for the new system are:
Home Farm: HomeFarm1#
Wix 2: RamseyBrook2#
New microchips will need to be reported to me directly by telephone or messenger so they can be added to the database.
23/03/2023 - Alresford Pit
We are aware there are several rumours circulating regarding otters at Alresford, whilst it is true to some degree, it seems some of the rumours have blown things out of proportion.
To clarify our exact position, we have found a small number of fish (less than 10) over the past month or so. This is not new for Alresford, otters have passed through for years, and the occasional fish has been found, there is no denying though, this is the largest number we have seen in one year, and the first kills for a couple of years.
We are actively working with the landowner, to assess the viability of installing an otter fence at the site. Whilst not impossible, due to the topography of the area, it isn’t going to be an overnight install and there are specific considerations as to the path of the fence and boundaries of the land etc.
Committee have agreed the financial aspect of a fence install, ready for if/when it goes ahead.
We haven’t had any kills for over two weeks now, so are confident the otters are passing through and moving quickly across the area which has many stocked lakes.
I hope that clarifies the facts and demonstrates that we are committed to protect Alresford and its stock for years to come.
12/02/2023 - Wix 2 Stocking
6x 19-22lb C6’s stocked into Wix 2 today. These will be fed until the summer, so there may be the occasional swim closure in the short term whilst we establish the feeding, let them settle and access the water by boat to feed. As other posts have eluded too, we are intending to thin out the catfish in Wix 2 to allow these beautiful Carp some room to grow, along with the feeding these could hit 30lbs within a year.
We also have 12,000 mixed silvers due early March for St.Osyth rectangle, which with the thinning of the Carp, and introduction of almost a thousand Crucians and Tench just before Christmas is set to make the Rectangle a great pleasure and match venue without the normal plague of small carp.
04/05/2022 - Health & Safety
As highlighted to the membership last year, please be aware as a member of the club, you must be aware of and abide by our Health & Safety Policy and Risk Assessments. These can be found on our Website under 'Rules & Information > Health & Safety'. Any questions please contact one of the person(s) listed as accountable within these documents.
23/01/2022 - St. Osyth Rectangle Netting - Fish Survey Results
Around 100 Carp in a single net sweep today, which wasn’t an easy one. Safe to say stock is 200-250+ as a best estimate. Not many silvers at all, though we may have missed them. Interestingly half a dozen bream of 3-5lbs were caught.
10 fish moved to Wix 2, 4 nice mirrors and some commons, not huge but hopefully some potential to grow on.
10/01/2022 - St. Osyth Rectangle Closed on Sunday 23rd January
Sunday 23rd January 2022 - St. Osyth Rectangle will be closed to anglers due to a stock survey netting taking place. Our intention is to move any large Carp to Wix 2, and establish what stock we have in the Rectangle. There is a loose plan to alter the bias of the Rectangle to be a silvers & Tench water, this survey will be the first step in establishing how viable that will be.
20/12/2021 - Carp Stocked into Wix 2
A stocking of 8 Carp took place into Wix 2 on 19th December 2021 courtesy of Tony Wignall (Fishable At houchins). These fish are from a strain of proven growers. As I mentioned in my mid-season report we are planning to thin out the silvers and self-spawned Carp in Wix 2 in order to give these fish a chance to grow on. The largest common was 14lb 10ozs and one to watch (also microchipped).