Rumours – Otters at Alresford

We are aware there are several rumours circulating regarding otters at Alresford, whilst it is true to some degree, it seems some of the rumours have blown things out of proportion.

To clarify our exact position, we have found a small number of fish (less than 10) over the past month or so. This is not new for Alresford, otters have passed through for years, and the occasional fish has been found, there is no denying though, this is the largest number we have seen in one year, and the first kills for a couple of years.

We are actively working with the landowner, to assess the viability of installing an otter fence at the site. Whilst not impossible, due to the topography of the area, it isn’t going to be an overnight install and there are specific considerations as to the path of the fence and boundaries of the land etc.

Committee have agreed the financial aspect of a fence install, ready for if/when it goes ahead.

We haven’t had any kills for over two weeks now, so are confident the otters are passing through and moving quickly across the area which has many stocked lakes.

I hope that clarifies the facts and demonstrates that we are committed to protect Alresford and its stock for years to come.